The buzzword of the moment is eMobility, and if you have enjoyed a drive in one of the latest electric cars, you will know why. eMobility is more than a short-term phenomenon. It is advanced, it is sustainable and at the same time, it is an exciting development.
Modern mobility is now inconceivable without the participation of eMobility. State-of-the-art electric vehicles and the rapid expansion of the charging network demonstrate this. Today, most companies would like to integrate eMobility; however, the thrill of its progress must be balanced by pragmatism. Ultimately, fleet solutions need to be cost-efficient, convenient and comprehensive; requirements that, up until now, have not been combined together in any eMobility offer. Now there is an answer. This year, Alphabet launched AlphaElectric, the first ever eMobility solution in Europe to promise all four aspects in one easy approach.
A convenient truth
AlphaElectric is a holistic eMobility solution that promises complete convenience. It analyses the potential for introducing electric vehicles into your fleet and then provides all elements necessary for optimal fleet electrification including the vehicles, charging infrastructure and add-on mobility services. The comprehensive approach ensures smooth, uninterrupted business eMobility. The solution addresses individual company requirements and establishes the total cost of mobility and carbon dioxide targets. In effect, with AlphaElectric, companies can enjoy a superior fleet management service, save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
For enhanced cost-efficiency, the Alpha-Electric approach advises companies to consider a mix of engine types in the construction of their fleets, with energy-efficient electric vehicles for short trips and combustion engines for longer journeys. With a mixed-engine fleet, you can reduce your total cost of mobility. Electric vehicle recharging costs significantly less than filling up a car at the petrol station. Additionally, electric vehicle acquisition is supported by governments in many European countries through tax benefits and other financial incentives. That’s more good news for the bottom line. Furthermore, with AlphaElectric you are not only saving money, you are looking out for the environment too. Consequently, your carbon footprint is reduced and your corporate image improved.
Realising the potential
AlphaElectric is unique in our industry. It achieves its key aims by implementing tailor-made eMobility programmes. Firstly, using a specially developed Electrification Potential Analysis tool, fleet usage data is recorded and evaluated. Three key parameters are then ascertained: the fleet’s electrification potential, the economic and ecological impact of electrification, and the size of the charging structure. With this detailed and company-specific information, an individual and comprehensive AlphaElectric mobility plan is presented to the customer which outlines the recommended number of electric vehicles. Customers can then select from Alphabet’s broad multi-make vehicle portfolio.
This includes the most recent models, such as the BMW i3, the first vehicle to be developed as a pure electric car from the drawing board. It also devises an adequate and accessible charging infrastructure with power facilities at work and at home. Last but not least, additional mobility services, such as electric vehicle driver training or an optional rental service for longer journeys, rounds off AlphaElectric’s comprehensive approach.
Electric mobility is now realising its true potential. A fleet solution like AlphaElectric confirms this. Business eMobility is here, it is convenient and it’s there for the taking.
For further information visit www.alphabet.com