Port activities and terminal operations are supplemented and enriched by a variety of ancillary services provided by Luka Koper’s subsidiary enterprises, and further enhanced by the company’s provision of logistics and related value-added business services to its clientele.
The Port of Koper lies at the northernmost reach of the Adriatic, where the Mediterranean penetrates the very heart of the European continent. Consequently, it is a maritime gateway to the shortest and most direct link between Europe and all destinations east of Suez. Using the Port of Koper, instead of Europe’s largest ports on the north-eastern side of the continent, represents a saving of some 4,000Nm in outward and return voyages in relations with the Middle and Far East.
Koper’s European hinterland encompasses some rapidly developing economies, and embraces a vast area of great commercial potential. All the continent’s most significant mercantile centres are less than 24 hours away, while the port itself enjoys a direct link with Pan-European Transport Corridor No. V., as well as excellent connections with the nearby Corridor X. For these reasons, the Port of Koper today not only serves the markets of Slovenia and neighbouring Italy, but also services an ever-growing percentage of the overseas trade flows of Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bavaria, Poland and the countries of the former Yugoslavia.
An outstanding geo-strategic position is not the Port of Koper’s only advantage: well-organised and well-equipped, Koper is a modern multipurpose port which operates day and night, all year long. It is also an EU port of entry, with full Border Inspection Post facilities, whilst the entire port area has Free Zone status.
Port operations at Koper are conducted in the context of 10 specialised terminal operations, handling and warehousing various types of goods, such as container freight, fruit and perishable goods, livestock, vehicles, timber, as well as dry-bulk, liquid and general cargos. Moreover, in order to fully meet its customers’ needs and requirements, Luka Koper also performs a variety of additional services that increase the value of the goods it handles.
Luka Koper’s basic vision is to become a leading port and logistics system provider for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Key development directions over the coming years shall encompass the full exploitation of existing infrastructure as well as the development of new capacities, particularly as regards the container freight and vehicles businesses. Among the most significant development projects shall be the extension of Piers I and II, and the creation of a new Pier No. III, which is to be dedicated exclusively to container traffic.
An upgraded and enhanced service structure shall be created through active marketing and the necessary provision of fully integrated logistics services, together with a variety of supplementary services intended to increase the value of shipped cargos as well as ensure merchandise is market ready. In short, investments shall increase the efficiency and competitiveness of port operations, and at the same time ensure client satisfaction, reduce energy consumption and maintain ecological standards.