After months of deliberation, an initial deal has been reached to limit charges paid by retailers
The EU has imposed a fresh round of sanctions against Russia as it continues in the battle to ease the Ukraine crisis, and the US is set to follow suit
After 16-hours of negotiations the EU has agreed on a deal that will pool responsibility for failing banks and shield taxpayers from bailouts
Strict renewable energy targets are set to be dropped by the EU – in a move that has angered green campaigners
After weeks of talks between China and the EU the two manage to agree on a deal to regulate Chinese solar panel imports, signalling a victory for both sides
Despite the eurozone crisis, there are still plenty of commercial property developments emerging in Eastern Europe. TriGranit is leading the way and pushing forward with ambitious projects
The EU has told the WTO that Russia has been illegally protecting domestic car manufacturers through the introduction of a recycling fee levied on imported cars
Political instability in Portugal has finally hit financial markets, as the country’s benchmark bond yield skyrockets to over eight percent
The EU has approved new rules to ban banks from awarding bonuses to individual that are bigger than their salaries
Report suggests confidence across the eurozone has risen, but is it founded?
Over 26 million Europeans unemployed according to Eurostat
Plans for a mandatory quota of women on EU company boards have been postponed
Eurozone leaders are meeting in Brussels today for a two-day summit to discuss the continued crisis
Google is to be told by the EU to modify the way it gathers personal information after making drastic changes to its privacy policy
Almost all of Europe’s nuclear reactors need repair, to the cost of $32bn, according to a report by the European Commission
The European CEO awards 2024 have now been announced, presenting our pick of the CEOs, companies and campaigns leading their sectors.